
Big News Update: Baby BaduLectronica, Dilla Month, 14KT

BNB would like to send out lots of love to Erykah Badu and Jay Electronica, congratulating them on the birth of their daughter yesterday at 1:30pm. Another talented and beautiful Aquarius has blessed us. Love to the baby, the parents and the entire family.

From Twitter Postings:
Erykah Badu(earlier this morning) :
morning im in labor
contractions are 3 mins apart…. breathing

Jay Electronica:
My daughter is ready. Labor has begun. Everybody standback. No hospitals. No doctors. No medicine. Were waiting on midwife to show up.
I’m doing foot squeezes and foot rubs when the contractions hit. Puma is rubbing her hands.

Ok… The midwife is here now and a few family members. Feels like a scene from the color purple. ”
She’s dialated to 8 1/2 centimeters.
Getting closer. She says she feels like she’s ready to push

Feb 1. 2009 my first child, my daughter was born at 1:30 pm exactly. Its the happiest day of my

In other news, it is officially DILLA MONTH. This year I want to take some time throughout the month to share stories and experiences that people have had with JDilla, with his music, and with his legacy. Even if you did not know him personally, it would be BNB's honor to share a tale of how Dilla touched your life. Everyone was rockin the "JDILLA changed my life" t-shirts, now its time to live it out. So email your stories to kyla@blacknbling.com along with your name, myspace url or facebook, and any related photos you may want to include, and we will feature you on the BNBlog.

Also, check our post regarding Ma Dukes. This is serious biz yall. We are a community based upon the principle of "I Eat, You Eat" and now is the time to kick in. Support the Yancey family, just as Dilla's music has supported you over the years. If you love him, you will honor him even in the afterlife but supporting his legacy and family.

Last but never least, we have a dope interview with 14KT of the Lab Techs from "Potholes In My Blog". Here's the link:


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