
I [finally] Imade House Shoes proud.

i want to let the record state that I love DJ House Shoes.

Shoes knows a lot about a lot, and he has a really big heart. Dude is consistent. You can guarantee that if he dj's he will play your favorite song, he will drink hennessey, he will hug you like a bear, and he will tell you to go home and have unprotected sex with yourself. Shoes will make you laugh, he will make you want to punch his lights out, and he will make you love him more and more every day. Shoes is one of the most genuine people I know. And when you get him off the scene, outside of the glitz and grime of the music world, you will see how truly amazing he is.
When Shoes tells me something, I listen. And thus far, hes always been right. He has supported my visions and supported blacknbling since its conception. And I love him for that.

I didnt set out to make this all mushy-gushy. But I do want to send some authentic, from the soul LOVE to House Shoes. Hes watched me grow as a photographer and as a person, and i FINALLY made him proud with my work. The picture up at the top means a lot to me. When I took this photo, something happened. Its perfect. I showed it to Shoes (who lost his mind) and he showed it to Rhett (who also lost his mind), and Shoes said "this is the picture Ive been waiting all this time for you to take". Of the thousands of snap-click-snaps I take at every event all over town, this photo is 'the one'. I am thankful.



  1. Yo, that's what's up. I'm happy for you... keep doing your thing. Dope picture.



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