
Barak, Spike, and Q-Tip, Oh My!

BNB loves Q-Tip.
BNB loves Spike Lee.
BNB loves Barack Obama.

Therefore, BNB is sure we're going to love Q-Tip's new album, The Renaissance [which drops later this year]. Not only is it the first album to come since 1999's Amplified [having his second solo project, Kamaal the Absract pulled by his label back in '02] but it will feature songs with Presidential hopeful Barack Obama and film director, writer, and actor Spike Lee. Wowza.
kyLA heard about this crazy collaboration and said, "It's times like that I wish Dilla was still around..." Don't we all... Can't wait to hear the musical goodness that's gonna be. Insanity. Keep your eyes and ears posted.

On Another Note...

In the meanwhile, Spike Lee has a new movie slated for release on October 10, 2008. It's "the story of four black American soldiers who get trapped in a Tuscan village during WWII" called Miracle at St. Ana. Looks amazing, as always.

Catch up on your politics and get ready for November. Hillary Clinton is talking shit and pretty much saying Barack is her beeyotch and should be her Vice-Presidential running partner. “I am not running for vice-president, I’m running for President of the United States of America, I’m running to be commander-in-chief,” he said. “The reason I’m running to be commander-in-chief is because I believe that the most important thing when you answer that phone call at 3am is what kind of judgment you have.” -Barack Obama.



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